walking tour: Florence, Rome, Milan, Venice, Naples

Florence free tour
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Original thing on Old Bridge in Florence

After the battle of Benevento (February 26, 1266) the Florentine Guelphs triumphed definitively and the party is enormously strengthened enough to occupy a very close -up place in the political life of the city. Thus the Order of Part Guelph is created established by Pope Clemente IV who granted his signs to the Guelph part who since then adopted the coat of arms: silver, in the eagle of red grabbed a natural dragon.

Florence Free Tour
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Leonardo invention Alambec

Between one invention and another, the volcanic mind of ….? you think ?! Of the great Leonardo da Vinci is obvious … to satisfy the requests of some Florentine spicy and scientific researchers of the time, our Leonardo invents and creates a crooked (glass object used for the distillation of solids), the base is round A little clutch, while going upwards, about 50 centimeters, forms a very long and thin neck which ends with a kind of small lip.

Florence Free Tour
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Monnalisa house in Florence

Not everyone knows that Lisa by Antonmaria Gherardini alias Mona Lisa, was born on June 15, 1479 in via Sguazza a crossbar of via Maggio. He married the tender age of 15, very normal for the time the silk merchant, Francesco di Bartolomeo of Zanobi del Giocondo. Our Mona Lisa (abbreviation of Madonna-Signora) has been made immortal, thanks to her portrait painted by Maestro Leonardo da Vinci, thus becoming the most famous woman in the world over time. And so it was that on June 15, 2013 the artist Franco Bini on the occasion of Monnalisa Day in collaboration with Associazione via Maggio placed a frame with the image of Mona Lisa and a plaque in memory below it inside.

Florence Free Tour
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Le Cascine Park

Spring and a promenade at the farmhouses imposes itself, also because it is not only leisure and good air between the vegetation, but also history. The green strip populated by olmi, lime trees, holm oaks, ballars, plane trees, cedars, pine trees, faults, poplars, horse chestnuts, gingko … was born as a hunting reserve and agricultural farm in 1563 for Cosimo i gods. Cows were raised that produced the Cascio or Cacio, whence the name Cascine.

Florence Free Tour
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Michelangelo’s faun

At the age of fourteen-four, Michelangelo started going to the Garde of San Marco in Bottega from the garland, at the recommendation of his friend Francesco. This was the location where Lorenzo de Medici had gathered some of the family’s classical art collections, and where Donatello’s old student and direct collaborator Bertoldo di Giovanni oversaw a school for aspiring sculptors.

Florence Free Tour
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Galileo Galilei Odyssey

Galileo’s proclaimed heretical beliefs led to a report of his being brought before the Holy Office of the Inquisition in 1616. Galileo is persuaded to travel to Rome for his trial by the Grand Duke, who is also his great admirer and friend. The Grand Duke assures Galileo that he will be treated like a member of the Medici family and that he need not fear anything. When Galileo arrives in Rome, Piero Guicciardini, the Florentine ambassador, escorts him to the Holy Office.

Florence Free Tour
City Tour Free Tour Free Walking Tour Historic Tour History Tour

Free museums in Florence

On Sunday 7 April the appointment with the initiative of the Ministry of Culture returns which includes free admission on the first Sunday of each month in all monuments, museums, galleries, parks and monumental gardens of the state. Many of the places of state culture of the Regional Museums of Tuscany widespread throughout the regional territory will also be open free of charge with the temporary exhibitions still in progress, theme visits and initiatives.